Directors Derek Van Gorder and Otto Stockmeier are filming one weighty piece of science fiction movie-making. We're already intrigued after saying the title C: 299 792 KM/S, but wait until you see the trailer.
It looks as slick as hell. And it's being made without any CGI or green screen. A synopsis from the movie's Kickstarter Page unravels a bit of the plot, but it looks like there's much more going on than what we've seen thus far:
This film is the story of an idealistic flight officer who hijacks her spaceship during an interplanetary cold war, and attempts to escape our solar system in search of other habitable worlds. However, when a small group of soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Kai provide unexpected resistance, Malleck's master plan is threatened. A compelling sci-fi action/drama about one woman's vision for the next logical step in human development: the leap from interplanetary to interstellar colonization.
C proposes a space-age manifest destiny in the shadow of extinction. In an era where science and technology are too often vilified, we believe that science-fiction should inspire us to surpass our limits and use the tools available to us to create a better future for our descendants.
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